Creative common liscence

Creative common liscence
Science Cartoon by Vishal K. Muliya is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Based on a work at

Monday, July 27, 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

$100 Million for search of extraterrestrial life

$100 Million for search of extraterrestrial life.

Consider it as the effect of reading or whatever it may be. A boy read the book "Intelligent Life in the Universe", authored by a well-known astro-physist Carl Sagan at the age of 10 years, became a fan of extraterrestrial life. Yuri Milner, Russian billionaire announced on 20th Jul 2015 that he is ready to spend $100 million to explore extraterrestrial life.  I am presenting a cartoon on the above fact.
Feel free to share it. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Science Cartoon on " If endangered animals start using social website"

Science Cartoon on " If endangered animals start using social website"


Scientoon on "Spider can swim also"

 Scientoon on "Spider can swim also"

Common spiders can fly using a technique called 'ballooning'. This involves catching the wind by using their silk. Ballooning spiders are estimated to move up to 30 km per day when wind conditions are suitable, helping in their quest for new habitats and resources. The interesting fact discovered is they can swim or float in water (both marine as well as fresh water). For the first time, experts at the University of Nottingham have described how spiders use their legs as rudders and propel themselves across the water with the help of the wind.
Here I am presenting Science Cartoon based on the above research.
Feel free to share it because it is available under Creative Commons Lic 4.0 for non commercial uses.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Science Cartoon "Climate Change Can Cause Animals to Switch Sex"

 Science Cartoon "Climate Change Can Cause Animals to Switch Sex"

A team of ecologists lead by Professor Arthur Georges has proven that temperature, not just genetics, plays a role in determining the sex of Australian bearded dragons. Their findings were published today in the journal Nature.
     In humans, XX chromosome is found in women and XY in men. It is an established fact. Similarly for Australian lizards a ZZ/ZW system of chromosomal sex determination. A ZZ is male and a ZW is female. Prof. George and his team collected 131 samples of Australian lizards and found that 11 out of 131 samples collected were genetically male but anatomically female. Further, they found that  they could reproduce and often became supermoms within their population. It means genetically male is behaving like anatomical mother. Such kind of mess up is credited to account of global warming. Whether it will be useful in terms of sustainability, adaptability and evolution are unknown.
Here I am presenting cartoon based on the above fact.